A place to honor an American hero,

and the principles that guided him.

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The McCain Library and Museum will illuminate his commitment to public service, a legacy that continues to challenge us to cherish integrity and serve with courage and conviction. More than a facility, the library will be a living institution cultivating future generations of leaders prepared to boldly take on the great issues of their time.

Collage of four John McCain images


A living legacy

Imagine extraordinary immersive experiences where visitors can see and feel firsthand the life events that forged McCain’s character.

Nothing in life is more liberating than to fight for a cause larger than yourself, something that encompasses you but is not defined by your existence alone.

John McCain


Impact locally and globally

Imagine projects at local, national and global scale inspired by a lifetime of character-driven leadership and backed by a university repeatedly ranked number one in innovation, sustainability and global impact.

John McCain speaking at ASU podium

Support the vision

The legacy of John McCain isn’t about talking. It is about taking action. Join us as we enter the arena and build a library and site worthy of McCain’s legacy.

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